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About the Authors


I'm a mother of 2 in my 30's. Haveing a flexible schedule is important when raising children. Making time to drop off and pick up from school on top of dance and sports practices can be challenging. I'm here to simply share the information I have gathered regarding the all too well known "grind" that we all have to suffer through in order to make our lives productive and enjoyable. My main objective for this site is to discover and share new ways to sucessfully make a living without sitting at a desk or behind a counter. 

The Anti-Office Space team



I am a 34 year old electrical engineer working a 9 to 5. Although I work a regular 9 to 5 I have many different projects going on the side. Making a living doesn't always come easy. With the extra time I have on the weekends and after work I am hustling to create a great future for myself and my family. It is my plan to motivate readers to get up and do the same. It is an information age, all you need to succeed is a little push in the right direction.

The Anti-Office Space team
Lindsey Ideishi
Lam Pham

Be your own boss, make your own schedule

The Anti-Office Space 

 Do The Hustle

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